
What is the cheapest time of year to pave a driveway?

Paver installations require lots of planning. Anyone who has ever worked with pavers knows how important it is to account for every step and possible scenario. That includes choosing the right time of the year to do so. So what is the cheapest time of year to pave a driveway?

The answer to that question is not as straightforward as it seems. There are many factors to consider, depending on exactly what kind of installation you plan to do and the weather conditions in your region.

So we will give you two answers: a common one and a secret one. Professionals in the hardscape business, like us, know about this secret, and we are willing to share it with you in this article.

But let’s start with the most common answer, so you can understand why and how the weather influences paver installations, and then we can talk about our secret.

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The cheapest time of year to pave a driveway

The Cheapest Time of Year to Pave a Driveway is Spring

The consensus amongst the industry, and the public, is that the end of spring is the cheapest time of year to pave a driveway. There are many reasons for that.

The first one is the balanced climate. During the spring, it is not so hot that it becomes uncomfortable to work outside, nor is it too cold to affect the productivity of the work.

There is also the fact that installing pavers during the spring allows you to enjoy them right away during the entire summer. That is very attractive to a lot of homeowners.

Now we want to ask you an important question that can completely change your perspective.

How is the Winter in Your Region?

We ask this because there is a great deal of misconception about paver installations during the winter. And this is the secret answer.

Many homeowners think that pavers can’t be installed in the winter due to the cold weather. The truth is that this statement is only partially correct.

A paver installation requires a lot of digging. In regions with very harsh winter, the ground freezes over winter, which makes it impossible for a paver installation to be done.

Pavers need to be installed in very dry ground. The ice makes the earth very humid, and it can even expand, forming cracks in the soil. Trying to install pavers in these conditions is a recipe for disaster.

However, if you live in a region where the winter is not that strict, there’s actually no problem at all in installing pavers during the winter. The fact that many people don’t know that can be an ace up your sleeve.

The cheapest time of year to pave a driveway

So if that’s your case, winter might as well be the cheapest time of year to pave a driveway.

Effects of Weather on Paver Installations

Weather can significantly impact paver installations, influencing both the process and the outcome. Depending on your region, this can greatly impact what will be the cheapest time of year to pave a driveway.

Extreme temperatures, for example, whether too hot or too cold, can affect the installation process and the materials used.

High temperatures can cause materials like concrete to cure too quickly, leading to cracking or improper bonding. It can also make working conditions uncomfortable for laborers.

As we mentioned, extremely cold temperatures are also problematic, as freezing temperatures can also cause water in the materials to expand, leading to cracking.

Aside from that, rain during installation can pose several challenges, so you should avoid installations during rainy seasons.

Heavy rain can saturate the base material, causing it to shift or become unstable. This can lead to unevenness in the finished surface. It can also turn work areas into muddy conditions, making it difficult for workers to move around and causing potential damage to the project site.

Rainy seasons also have high humidity levels, which can influence the curing process of materials like concrete and adhesives, potentially leading to longer curing times or improper bonding.

Seasonal Prices

We want to start this section by clarifying something. While paver installations can be done as a DIY project, that is never recommended unless you are 200% sure of what you’re doing.

So when we talk about the cheapest time of the year to pave a driveway, we are not taking into consideration the cost of the pavers themselves, for those are rarely affected by the weather.

Instead, what we put into the balance is how easier it is to find a contractor to make the installation for you.

Think about it like this: since many homeowners know that the early spring is the best time to install pavers, contractors around that time are overloaded with work – and by obeying the law of supply and demand, prices go up.

However, since installing pavers in the winter is wrongly not considered even as an option, it is really easy to find available professionals. Therefore, installation prices usually go down.

Remember, we are only considering the regions where the winter is not rigorous enough to freeze the ground. If that is your case, it is impossible to install pavers during that time.

Read also: How to re-sand pavers and make your patio look new again

The cheapest time of year to pave a driveway

The Cheapest Time of Year to Pave a Driveway: Ask a Professional!

So there you go. If you want to follow the trends of the industry, early spring is the cheapest time of year to pave a driveway. However, if the winter does not reach ground-freezing temperatures in your region, winter can be a better and cheaper option.

However, the best answer will always come from a professional hardscape contractor in your region. Experts can make an assessment of your soil and match it with what you envision for your project.

We here at JS Brick have been working for 22 years in the hardscape business. We have seen many scenarios where things were supposed to be simple, but our experience and knowledge made the difference between a failed and a successful installation.

That’s why we always recommend finding professionals in your area that you can trust. Pavers are an investment, and they should be treated as such.

If you happen to be around our area of activity — the Sarasota and Manatee Counties in FL — why not give us a call to help you out? You can contact us anytime at +1 941 586 9140 or email us at [email protected]. We would be happy to help you with any hardscape project you might have!

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