
How to kill grass between pavers?

Do you suffer with grass growing between your pavers? Do you know how to kill grass between pavers? A picturesque patio paved with stone or brick adds undeniable charm to any outdoor space. But that charm can quickly diminish when unwanted grass sprouts stubbornly between the pavers. Not only is it unsightly, but grass can also push pavers apart, causing uneven surfaces and potential tripping hazards.

The good news is that there are several effective methods to banish grass from your paver haven. This article will equip you with a comprehensive arsenal of techniques, from natural solutions to targeted herbicides, to reclaim your paver paradise.

Read also: How to clean pavers with bleach in 5 steps

Understanding the enemy: why grass invades paver joints

how to kill grass between pavers

Before diving into eradication strategies, let’s understand why grass thrives between pavers. Here are the key culprits:

  • Light and Air: Grass seeds readily germinate in the gaps between pavers, as they receive ample sunlight and air for growth.
  • Water Infiltration: Rainwater and irrigation can easily reach the soil beneath the pavers, providing essential moisture for grass growth.
  • Windblown Seeds: Breezes can carry grass seeds, depositing them conveniently in the open cracks between pavers.
  • Existing Soil: If the subbase beneath the pavers wasn’t properly prepared or has settled over time, it can create pockets of soil where grass can take root.

Preparing for battle: essential steps before elimination

Before waging war on the grass, some crucial preparatory steps are necessary:

  1. Safety First: Always wear gloves and eye protection when using herbicides or boiling water. Consider using a kneepad to protect your knees while working on the ground.
  2. Clear the Area: Remove any furniture, planters, or decorations that might obstruct your access to the pavers. Sweep away any loose debris from the joints.
  3. Identify the Grass: Knowing the specific type of grass you’re dealing with can help you choose the most effective control method. Certain herbicides are formulated for specific grass varieties.
How to kill grass between pavers

Natural solutions: eco-friendly approaches

For those seeking an eco-friendly approach, several natural methods can effectively eliminate unwanted grass between pavers. These include:

  • Boiling Water: This readily available solution can be surprisingly effective. Carefully pour boiling water directly onto the grass, taking care not to splash on surrounding plants. Repeat this process every few days until the grass withers and dies.
  • Vinegar: White vinegar is a natural herbicide. Apply a 20% vinegar solution (1 part vinegar, 4 parts water) directly onto the grass using a spray bottle. Reapply if necessary, but be cautious as vinegar can harm surrounding desirable plants.
  • Dish Soap Solution: A mixture of dish soap and water can smother young grass. Combine 1 tablespoon of dish soap with 1 gallon of water and spray it directly on the grass. This method is most effective for newly sprouted grass.
  • Cornmeal Gluten: This organic pre-emergent herbicide prevents grass seeds from germinating. Apply a thin layer of cornmeal gluten between the pavers after removing the existing grass. Reapplication may be necessary after heavy rain.

Using herbicide to kill grass between pavers

Grass peeking through your pavers can be an eyesore. Luckily, targeted herbicide applications can eliminate these unwanted guests. However, choosing the right herbicide is crucial to prevent damage to surrounding plants and ensure safety!

Here’s a breakdown of different types of herbicides and their suitability for this task:

Selective Herbicides

These herbicides are like sharpshooters, targeting only specific types of weeds, including grasses. They work in two stages: pre-emergent (preventing seed germination) and post-emergent (killing existing weeds). This makes them ideal for situations where you want to preserve desired plants bordering your pavers.

Non-Selective Herbicides

These are like indiscriminate bombs, killing any plant life they come in contact with. While effective for clearing entire areas, they’re unsuitable for our scenario. Accidental contact with nearby flowers or shrubs can lead to unwanted casualties.

Contact Herbicides

These act on the spot, killing only the plant tissues they directly touch. While fast-acting, they might not kill the entire weed, especially those with deep root systems like grass. Additionally, windy conditions or playful children nearby can pose safety risks when spraying.

Systemic Herbicides

These herbicides are like slow-acting assassins. Once sprayed on leaves or stems, they get absorbed and travel throughout the plant, including the roots. This disrupts the weed’s internal processes, leading to its gradual death. Since they target the entire plant, they are generally more effective against grasses and pose less risk when applied carefully near desirable plants.

How to kill grass between pavers

Choosing the right weapon

Given our goal of eliminating grass between pavers without harming surrounding plants, a selective systemic herbicide is the clear winner. Look for products labeled for use on lawns or patios and specifically target grassy weeds.

Remember: Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application rates, safety precautions, and pet and wildlife considerations. For best results, apply the herbicide during the active growth stage of the grass, typically in spring or early fall.

By choosing the right herbicide and applying it correctly, you can effectively reclaim your paver haven from unwanted grass intruders.

How to kill grass between pavers: about polymeric sand

When the question is “How to kill grass between pavers?”, it is important to know some facts: While quick fixes for killing grass between pavers might seem effective at first, their results are temporary. Unfortunately, the pesky weeds will inevitably return once the initial effects wear off.

After you use one of the methods on how to kill grass between pavers, you must seal the pavers so the grass is never going to grow again. For that, a permanent solution is to use polymeric sand. Polymeric sand is a special type of sand used to fill the gaps between pavers, tiles, or natural stone on patios, walkways, and driveways.

Polymeric sand is a mix of fine sand and special additives, including polymers. These polymers act like glue when activated with water, causing the sand particles to lock together and form a hard, stable surface between the pavers. The hardened surface created by polymeric sand restricts sunlight and air from reaching the soil, thus making it difficult for weed seeds to germinate.

How to kill grass between pavers

Reclaim your paver paradise: a final stand against grassy invaders

With the arsenal of techniques presented in this article, you are now well-equipped to combat the grassy invaders threatening your paver paradise. Whether you choose the eco-friendly approach of natural solutions or the targeted effectiveness of herbicides, there’s a method to suit your preferences.

Remember, the key to lasting victory lies not just in eliminating existing grass, but in preventing its return. Polymeric sand offers a long-term solution by creating a barrier that discourages weed seed germination, and it is important to count on professional help whenever you are working with solutions for your pavers.

For over 20 years, JS Brick has been a trusted name in Sarasota for paver installation and maintenance. Let us help you reclaim your paver paradise! Contact us today at +1 941 586 9140 or email us at [email protected] for a free consultation with our hardscape professionals.

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