
The best water-based paver sealer for Florida: what is it?

Florida’s vibrant lifestyle extends to your outdoor space. Pavers, with their durability and aesthetic appeal, are a popular choice for patios, walkways, and pool decks. However, the relentless Florida sun and frequent rain can affect these exposed surfaces. Here’s where the best water-based paver sealer for Florida comes in – and where this article becomes your best friend.

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Why water-based paver sealers shine in Florida

Solvent-based sealers have traditionally been used, but for Florida’s unique climate, the best water-based paver sealer for Florida is often the superior option. Here’s why:

  • Moisture management: Florida’s high humidity and water table can lead to trapped moisture beneath solvent-based sealers. This causes the sealer to weaken and turn white, ruining the aesthetics and requiring removal. Water-based sealers, on the other hand, allow for better breathability, preventing moisture issues.
  • Environmentally friendly: Solvent-based sealers often emit strong odors and contain VOCs (volatile organic compounds). Water-based sealers are low-VOC or VOC-free, making them a more eco-friendly choice and ideal for those with respiratory sensitivities.
  • Easier application and cleanup: Water-based sealers are generally easier to apply and clean up than solvent-based ones. Soap and water are often all you need for cleanup, reducing the need for harsh chemicals.
  • Fast drying time: With Florida’s unpredictable showers, a rapid drying time is crucial. Water-based sealers typically cure faster than solvent-based options, minimizing disruption to your outdoor space.
best water-based paver sealer for florida

Finding the best water-based paver sealer for Florida: key considerations

Now that you understand the advantages of water-based sealers, how do you identify the best water-based paver sealer for Florida for your specific needs? Here are some key factors to consider:

  • Finish: Do you prefer a natural look or a glossy finish? Water-based sealers come in penetrating, which enhances the natural look of the pavers, and film-forming, which provides a glossy sheen.
  • Durability: Florida’s intense sunlight can cause fading. Choose a sealer with UV protection to maintain the color of your pavers.
  • Stain resistance: Spills and splashes are inevitable in outdoor spaces. Look for a sealer that repels stains, making maintenance easier.
  • Slip resistance: Safety is paramount. Opt for a sealer that enhances slip resistance, especially around pools and patios.

Top contenders for the best water-based paver sealer for Florida

Several water-based sealers stand out for their performance in the Florida climate. Here are a few popular options:


The best water-based paver sealer for Florida

This penetrating sealer boasts deep penetration for excellent protection against water, stains, and fading. It enhances the natural beauty of your pavers and provides long-lasting durability.

Ultra-Seal Classic Gloss Wet Look Paver Sealer

This film-forming sealer offers a beautiful “wet look” finish while enhancing the color of your pavers. It’s also user-friendly, environmentally friendly, and provides excellent protection.

Nano Shield Paver Sealer

This innovative sealer utilizes nanotechnology for superior stain and water repellency. It’s easy to apply and offers long-lasting protection.

Remember: the best water-based paver sealer for Florida always depends on your specific needs and preferences. You should consider factors like desired finish, durability requirements, and budget when making your choice.

Read also: What to put between pavers? Choosing the right material

Pro tips for applying sealers

Once you’ve chosen your best water-based paver sealer for Florida, proper application is essential for optimal results. Here are some pro tips:

  • Preparation is key: Thoroughly clean your pavers to remove dirt, debris, and any existing sealer. Ensure the surface is completely dry before applying the sealer.
  • Read the label carefully: Every sealer has specific application instructions. Following the manufacturer’s recommendations is crucial for proper application and optimal performance.
  • Apply even coats: Use a sprayer or roller to apply a thin, even coat of sealer. For film-forming sealers, a second coat may be required depending on the product.
  • Allow proper curing time: Resist the urge to use your pavers immediately. Allow the sealer to cure completely according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Maintaining your pavers with the best water-based paver sealer for Florida

Even with the best water-based paver sealer for Florida, regular maintenance is essential to extend the life of your pavers and maintain their beauty.

A good tip is to sweep away dirt and debris regularly to prevent them from staining and scratching the sealer’s surface. You can also use a garden hose with a gentle spray setting to rinse away any built-up grime or dirt for that. Also, avoid using a pressure washer, as the high pressure can damage the pavers and the sealer.

At the end of the day, the truth is that Florida’s intense weather can wear down even the best sealer – so depending on the product and foot traffic, plan to reseal your pavers every 2-4 years to maintain optimal protection.

OK. While the above information equips you to find a great best water-based paver sealer for Florida, some situations may call for a more specialized product. Here are some additional considerations:

  • For new pavers: If you’ve just installed new pavers, consider a curing and sealing combo product. These sealers allow the pavers to breathe while curing while also providing initial protection.
  • For high-traffic areas: Areas like pool decks or walkways with heavy foot traffic experience more wear and tear. Choose a high-solids content sealer for enhanced durability.
  • For mold and mildew-prone areas: Florida’s humidity can lead to mold and mildew growth. Look for a sealer with fungicides to prevent these issues, especially in shaded areas!
The best water-based paver sealer for Florida

You can count on JS Brick for any hardscape work!

JS Brick has been serving Sarasota and surrounding areas since 2000. This extensive experience translates to a deep understanding of Florida’s unique climate and its impact on pavers. We’ll know exactly what kind of best water-based paver sealer for Florida to recommend for your specific situation, and we have the best team to seal your pavers for you!

With over 20 years of experience in paver sealing, the JS Brick team also has the expertise to properly prepare your pavers, apply the best water-based paver sealer for Florida meticulously, and ensure a flawless finish.

By choosing to partner up with us, you’re not just getting a company to seal your pavers; you’re gaining a trusted partner with the local knowledge, expertise, and commitment to quality to ensure your Florida pavers stay beautiful and protected for years to come! Get in contact now.

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